Nettle(Allo) and Hemp Products
We have ranges of products made from Himalayan giant nettle called Allo and hemp products coming from far eastern part of Nepal. The Himalayan nettle and hemp collected are processed manually and spun into yarn which then made to finish products like bags, shoe, table mat, stoles and just fabric etc. Now days the nettle fabrics are sewn into coat and other outfits and become very popular in Nepalese .Write us for bulk purchase. The fabrics are sold by meter.

Netlle Allo Table Mat AAC-01
Hand Woven NettleTable Mat

Nettle Scrubber AAC-215

Nettle Allo Cloth AAC-006
Hand Woven Nettle Allo Cloth

Netlle Allo Cloth AAC-005
Hand Woven Nettle Allo Cloth

Nettle Scarf AAC-02
Nettle Scarf Hand Crotchet

Nettle Stole AAC-04
Nettle Stole Hand Crotchet

Nettle Stole AAC-03
Nettle Stole Hand Crotchet

Nettle Stole AAC-02-03
Nettle Stole Hand Crotchet

Nettle Poncho AAC-213
Nettle Poncho

Nettle Cardigan AAC-200

Nettle Long Dress AAC-299